Tuesday, July 26, 2011

James M Sutter Dies for Real Apparently

James Sutter died of a heart attack on Monday at 9:50 pm. Please pray for the repose of his soul!

Update Aug 16
I have informed the many people that Mr. Sutter has stalked of his passing; Robert Spencer has given me permission to post his thoughts on the passing of this man.

"James Sutter was one of the most evil men I have ever encountered. While wrapping himself in a cloak of self-righteousness and posturing that he was on the side of the angels, he gleefully repeated things he knew to be lies, fabricated false charges against those he considered his enemies, and gave wide circulation to the most outrageous smears and falsehoods that others devised against those same enemies. He epitomized the strange tendency of genuine hatemongers nowadays to claim the moral high ground while indulging in behavior that was unarguably libelous. Now that he is dead, the world is just a bit saner and more honest." -- Robert Spencer