Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Where does he come up with this stuff?


This guy, the "Rev" Jim Sutter, he comes up with the greatest tales. I wait with great anticipation to see what he will come up with next! Much of it is so priceless!

In a recent article "You'd Be Amazed Who's Reading this Blog" Sutter eludes to the possibility that people he is investigating (i.e. Foehammer, Robert Spencer, Lady Predator and Cristy Li) are going to be extradited to The Hague and charged with either "war crimes", "crimes against humanity" or both. Yeah, I know, this guy is a laugh riot! He could write for NBC and bring back "Must See TV" on Thursdays if he would put his imagination and talent into making stories for TV instead of trying to pass them off as fact for those that are gullible enough to fall for his fiction.

If you don't want to waste time reading his post, here is the Cliff Notes version:
Sutter is notified (by whom is a complete mystery) to expect contact from an investigator from the United Nations' International Criminal Court.
He spends two hours being interviewed by the ICC investigators.
He will not say who is being investigated or for what.
He gives all kinds of links which he says show that ordinary American citizens are subject to the ICC.

The implication is that if an American exercises their right to free speech (as the folks listed above do on a regular basis), then they can be extradited to The Hague and tried.

This is completely false. The only things Americans can be tried in the ICC for are war crimes and crimes against humanity. And only if those are 1) committed on foreign soil (i.e. not committed in the USA) and 2) the country in which the crimes were committed choose not to prosecute the individual.

Let us amuse ourselves a little and pretend that expressing one's First Amendment right is considered a "war crime" or a "crime against humanity" in some other country. It isn't, and we all know it isn't, but let's travel to Sutter's little land of Make Believe, and pretend it is. The ICC would still not have jurisdiction because they are doing their dastardly deeds in the USA. They reside in the USA, they have blogs on servers in the USA. And we have seen where Canadian bloggers are flocking to servers hosted in the USA to avoid Canadian restrictions on their so-called right to free speech.

We have also seen where the US Court of Appeals has held that an American's rights, as far as publishing goes, does not stop at the border.

I am completely certain that Mr. Sutter would like nothing more than for his fantasies of being interviewed by ICC investigators targeting American citizens, and that there is a grand clandestine cabal of people who are fervently working behind the scenes to take him down, to be true. But sadly, it is just isn't. None of it.


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